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Upgraded to the brand new 2.0.5 Wordpress, and took the time to also upgrade tinyMCE to the 2.0.8 version. Hopefully this will fix a few issues Sol was having ;)

Ripping audio from a DVD using transcode

Since I'll probably forget in a few days, here's the line I used to rip the audio tracks off of a Live DVD I bought some time ago :

_The following will rip audio from Title 1, Chapters 1-23, 192kb _

for i in `seq 23`; do echo $i; transcode -i /dev/dvd \

-x dvd -T 1,$i,1 -b 192,0,5,1 -a 0 -y raw \

-m "$i.mp3"; done

Bacula on SCO Unix

I'm on of those poor souls, who still has an old SCO Unix box around. Having the need to compile a bacula-fd client on this box, I'm writing down a couple of notes, because I keep forgetting it everytime I need to upgrade to a newer bacula version (this time it was 1.38.11):

Configure with: _ LDFLAGS=-pthread ./configure --enable-client-only --disable-conio_

You'll get the following errors:

bnet_server.c:36: warning: aggregate has a partly bracketed initializer bnet_server.c:36: warning: aggregate has a partly bracketed initializer bnet_server.c:36: warning: aggregate has a partly bracketed initializer bnet_server.c:36: warning: aggregate has a partly bracketed initializer bnet_server.c:36: warning: aggregate has a partly bracketed initializer bnet_server.c:36: warning: aggregate has a partly bracketed initializer bnet_server.c: In function void bnet_thread_server(dlist *, int, workq_t *, void * (*)(void *))': bnet_server.c:166: passingint ' as argument 3 of `accept(int, sockaddr , size_t *)' changes signedness *** Error code 1 (bu21) UX:make: ERROR: fatal error.

You need to apply the following changes to src/filed/filed.c and src/lib/bnet_server.c: _ ` *** filed.c.orig Thu Sep 7 10:59:48 2006 --- filed.c Thu Sep 7 11:00:01 2006

*** 225,231 struct sockaddr client_addr; int port = -1; socklen_t client_addr_len = sizeof(client_addr); ! if (getsockname(0, &client;_addr, &client;_addr_len) == 0) { / MA BUG 6 remove ifdefs / port = sockaddr_get_port_net_order(&client;_addr); } --- 225,231 ---- struct sockaddr client_addr; int port = -1; socklen_t client_addr_len = sizeof(client_addr); ! if (getsockname(0, &client;_addr, &(size_t)client_addr_len) == 0) { / MA BUG 6 remove ifdefs / port = sockaddr_get_port_net_order(&client;addr); }`

_`*** bnet_server.c.orig Thu Sep 7 10:43:25 2006 --- bnet_server.c Thu Sep 7 10:46:52 2006

*** 163,169 / Got a connection, now accept it. / do { clilen = sizeof(cli_addr); ! newsockfd = accept(fd_ptr->fd, &cli;_addr, &clilen;); } while (newsockfd < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (newsockfd < 0) { continue; --- 163,169 ---- / Got a connection, now accept it. / do { clilen = sizeof(cli_addr); ! newsockfd = accept(fd_ptr->fd, &cli;addr, &(size_t)clilen); } while (newsockfd < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (newsockfd < 0) { continue;`

`` After that compilation should end up cleanly (I use a gcc version 2.95 on this box)

Shi gan


Saw Kim Ki-Duk's last work "Shi gan" (Time) today. Odd movie, I'm still digesting it I guess ;)

Deep Purple - Sometimes I feel like screaming

Pearl Jam - Bologna


Tornato ieri alle 3 di notte dopo il concerto dei Pearl Jam al Palamalaguti di Bologna. Partenza alle 17 e rotte da Milano con Pietro, sopravvissuti alla tangenziale est e a due nubifragi sulla MI-BO siamo arrivati per le otto e un quarto al palazzetto.Poi due ore piene di concerto con:

  1. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town

  2. Do The Evolution

  3. Animal

  4. Severed Hand

  5. Given To Fly

  6. World Wide Suicide

  7. Save You

  8. Even Flow

  9. I Am Mine

  10. Marker In The Sand

  11. Green Disease

  12. Daughter(It's Ok)

  13. Alone

  14. Whipping

  15. Present Tense

  16. Comatose

  17. Porch

  18. Black

  19. Better Man

  20. Life Wasted

  21. Alive

  22. Bu$hleaguer

  23. Why Go

  24. Baba O'Riley

  25. Indifference


Gran bel concerto, acustica non al massimo, caldo assurdo ;)

New home setup

Set up the new 24" Dell LCD at home. I used a USB to PS/2 converter, so I could still use the old beloved IBM keyboard (old gift from Pat) that goes _click click click _ 1.00007.jpg I was a bit surprised it all worked instantly out of the box (no config files tweaking, no usb-keyboard cursing, ...). Plugged everything in my laptop and got my new work space set up instantly:


Alex & Tiziana

Fifth wedding of the year and pictures are up. It was quite nice meeting up with some old friends from Thuins that I didn't see in something like 7-10 years ;) 00058.jpg