GnuPG Logo
Just voted for gnupg's new logo. My first choice was Tobias Duehr's logo:
Just voted for gnupg's new logo. My first choice was Tobias Duehr's logo:
Here's the quick recipe (tested on ubuntu edgy):
$ sudo apt-get install gs-esp xulrunner
Download mozilla2ps-0.3.xulapp and
$ xulrunner --app-install mozilla2ps-0.3.xulapp /tmp
$ ./chmdtopdf -m /tmp/mozilla2ps file.chm
You'll get the _file.pdf _ready to be printed (not perfect at all, but almost decent ;) )
Badly Drawn Boy - You were right
Upgraded to the brand new 2.0.5 Wordpress, and took the time to also upgrade tinyMCE to the 2.0.8 version. Hopefully this will fix a few issues Sol was having ;)
Since I'll probably forget in a few days, here's the line I used to rip the audio tracks off of a Live DVD I bought some time ago :
_The following will rip audio from Title 1, Chapters 1-23, 192kb _
for i in `seq 23`; do echo $i; transcode -i /dev/dvd \ -x dvd -T 1,$i,1 -b 192,0,5,1 -a 0 -y raw \ -m "$i.mp3"; done
I'm on of those poor souls, who still has an old SCO Unix box around. Having the need to compile a bacula-fd client on this box, I'm writing down a couple of notes, because I keep forgetting it everytime I need to upgrade to a newer bacula version (this time it was 1.38.11):
Configure with: _ LDFLAGS=-pthread ./configure --enable-client-only --disable-conio_
You'll get the following errors:
bnet_server.c:36: warning: aggregate has a partly bracketed initializer
bnet_server.c:36: warning: aggregate has a partly bracketed initializer
bnet_server.c:36: warning: aggregate has a partly bracketed initializer
bnet_server.c:36: warning: aggregate has a partly bracketed initializer
bnet_server.c:36: warning: aggregate has a partly bracketed initializer
bnet_server.c:36: warning: aggregate has a partly bracketed initializer
bnet_server.c: In function void bnet_thread_server(dlist *, int, workq_t *, void * (*)(void *))':
bnet_server.c:166: passing
int ' as argument 3 of `accept(int, sockaddr , size_t *)' changes signedness
*** Error code 1 (bu21)
UX:make: ERROR: fatal error.
You need to apply the following changes to src/filed/filed.c and src/lib/bnet_server.c: _ ` *** filed.c.orig Thu Sep 7 10:59:48 2006 --- filed.c Thu Sep 7 11:00:01 2006
*** 225,231 struct sockaddr client_addr; int port = -1; socklen_t client_addr_len = sizeof(client_addr); ! if (getsockname(0, &client;_addr, &client;_addr_len) == 0) { / MA BUG 6 remove ifdefs / port = sockaddr_get_port_net_order(&client;_addr); } --- 225,231 ---- struct sockaddr client_addr; int port = -1; socklen_t client_addr_len = sizeof(client_addr); ! if (getsockname(0, &client;_addr, &(size_t)client_addr_len) == 0) { / MA BUG 6 remove ifdefs / port = sockaddr_get_port_net_order(&client;addr); }`
_`*** bnet_server.c.orig Thu Sep 7 10:43:25 2006
--- bnet_server.c Thu Sep 7 10:46:52 2006
*** 163,169 / Got a connection, now accept it. / do { clilen = sizeof(cli_addr); ! newsockfd = accept(fd_ptr->fd, &cli;_addr, &clilen;); } while (newsockfd < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (newsockfd < 0) { continue; --- 163,169 ---- / Got a connection, now accept it. / do { clilen = sizeof(cli_addr); ! newsockfd = accept(fd_ptr->fd, &cli;addr, &(size_t)clilen); } while (newsockfd < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (newsockfd < 0) { continue;`
`` After that compilation should end up cleanly (I use a gcc version 2.95 on this box)
Saw Kim Ki-Duk's last work "Shi gan" (Time) today. Odd movie, I'm still digesting it I guess ;)
Deep Purple - Sometimes I feel like screaming
Tornato ieri alle 3 di notte dopo il concerto dei Pearl Jam al Palamalaguti di Bologna. Partenza alle 17 e rotte da Milano con Pietro, sopravvissuti alla tangenziale est e a due nubifragi sulla MI-BO siamo arrivati per le otto e un quarto al palazzetto.Poi due ore piene di concerto con:
Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
Do The Evolution
Severed Hand
Given To Fly
World Wide Suicide
Save You
Even Flow
I Am Mine
Marker In The Sand
Green Disease
Daughter(It's Ok)
Present Tense
Better Man
Life Wasted
Why Go
Baba O'Riley
Gran bel concerto, acustica non al massimo, caldo assurdo ;)
Set up the new 24" Dell LCD at home. I used a USB to PS/2 converter, so I could still use the old beloved IBM keyboard (old gift from Pat) that goes _click click click _ I was a bit surprised it all worked instantly out of the box (no config files tweaking, no usb-keyboard cursing, ...). Plugged everything in my laptop and got my new work space set up instantly:
Fifth wedding of the year and pictures are up. It was quite nice meeting up with some old friends from Thuins that I didn't see in something like 7-10 years ;)