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So apparently iRiver will be providing Ogg support for their old players as well in the short term future. That's good news. I finally managed to debianize the vfs module as well. (Surely cdbs takes some of the deb-making pain away) There is still some big/little endian issue lying around in the code though. I get wrong free space on PPC. Will need to dig that up during the week-end. I thought it'd lie around libiriver code, but apparently it's just in the VFS module. We shall see.


Ieri Carmen Consoli. Bello. Ero un filino troppo a pezzi dal lavoro e dagli ultimi deliri vari. Notevole la conclusione con la cover dei Free - Mr. Big. Questo fine? Ottima domanda..


Finally cleaned up my custom procmailrc and basically halfed it using spamassassin to filter out all the crap that comes through email as of lately

Screaming Trees - Look at you

I'm stuck on this classic from the "Dust" album. Here it goes:

Her ghost hides

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In my mind

In the night

In a way she's haunting me

I'm wanting her still

Thru rose colored skies

Or blue, blue moonlight

There's miracles on high

She's walking by

When i look at you i've got a 2nd chance

Really need to have you now

One by one they fall it always breaks me down

The quiet Cuts me thru

The candle burnt

The knife has turned

The pain withers

Alive i know deep inside

When i look at you i've got a second chance

Really need to take it now

One by one they fall it always breaks me down

Her ghost hides

In my eyes

In the night...

Week End


Visite all'una di notte e via per Vapour4.0 Psycho Techno Trance al Leoncavallo..forse un po' troppo psycho-techno-trance

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Paccato il Matteo per l'MTV Day, mi sono fiondato in una maratona delirante di mille chilometri per Milano/Ginevra/Chambery/Milano. Bel giretto non c'e' che dire. Ginevra e' una citta' che regala solo sbadigli (e mercedes neri), mentre Chambery e' veramente carina..non fosse soltanto per l'assenza totale di essere umani, l'idioma a me sconosciuto, mi ci trasferirei pure.

E ora via a far telefonate e lavatrici. mmh..e caccia di cibo. Next weekend Verona? Bologna?