Here's a little recipe I normally use to put the usual crap attachments into it's own folder:
# Testing zone # here's a recipe, all credits go to Philip Guenther, I've just added # extensions I need to filter to his regexp. # The regexp for matching whitespace in the embedded header field # of a multipart message. We have to handle wrapped lines. ws = '[ ]*($[ ]+)*' # The regexp for matching 'anything' inside an embedded header # field of a multipart message. That is, it matches anything # except the newline (not followed by a whitespace character) # that terminates the header field. dotstar = '.*($[ ].*)*' # A single double-quote. For use in variable expanded regexps to # avoid problems related to how procmail implements the variable # expansion dq = '"' # Any condition that uses any of these variables in a its regexp # must have the '$' special before the regexp to tell procmail to # do variable expansion on the regexp. # That matches if there exists a embedded Content-whatever header field # whose value, ignoring legal whitespace, matches the regexp # .*name="filename" ext = '.(scr|vbs|shs|bat|com|exe|pif|pps|avi|mpg|mpeg|doc)' SUBJ_=`formail -xSubject: | expand | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//g' -e 's/[ ]*$//g'` # Here i put the mails with [BAD Attachment] in their folder since # otherwise we'd have a massive loop #:0 #* ^Subject:*BAD Attachment* #silly-attachments :0 B * $ ^Content-(Type|Disposition)*:${dotstar}name${ws}=${ws}${dq}.*${ext}${dq} { :0 fwh | formail -I"Subject: [BAD Attachment] ${SUBJ_}" :0: silly-attachments }