* buffer.c buffer.h Implements a FIFO buffer object with peek, read, append and prepend methods. * caps.c caps.h Lists vte's capabilities. In particular _vte_xterm_capability_string[] is an array, containing the sequence and afterwards the name and the quark. _vte_capability_init initializes all of the tables * cp437.py Prints the second half of the 437 Code Page (DOSLatinUS) on screen * debug.c debug.h Defines some debug utility functions. The "VTE_DEBUG_FLAGS" environment variable controls what will be logged. In particular it can be set to the following values: ALL, MISC, IO, UPDATED, EVETS, PARSE, SIGNALS, SELECTION, SUBSTITUTION, RING, PTY, CURSOR KEYBOARD, LIFECYCLE You can set it to more than one value, just separate them with commas * dumpkeys.c A tiny program to dump the values of the different pressed keys and see the difference depending on the SUN/HP/XTERM/VT220 modes. * genkeysyms.py keysysms.c Script that reads /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdkkeysyms.h and outputs a big switch statement, that given the key code (returned by xev for example) it returns the GDK key symbol. It is used to generate "keysyms.c" * genwidths.py It downloads ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/EastAsianWidth.txt and creates the file "uniwidths" which contains a list of east asian characters that have an ambiguous width. (See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr11/ for more info) The "uniwidths" file is included in iso2022.c. Note that _vte_iso2022_unambiguous_ranges is not autogenerated but was already present in the file * interpret.c Test program that given a termcap file interprets characters as passed to with stdin or with a file. If it fails to find the passed term file it uses /etc/termcap * iso2022.c iso2022.h You can read more about iso 2022 here (Ecma-35 is identical to iso 2022 as published in 1994) : http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ecma-st/ECMA-035.pdf Another interesting link is http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html#term * iso8859mode.c This is just a small program to switch the terminal away from UTF-8 and to: It just prints "ESC %@" goes back from UTF-8 to ISO 2022 in case UTF-8 had been entered via ESC %G. (See utf8mode.c) * keymap.c keymap.h (includes the autogenerated keysyms.h) _vte_keymap_map() returns a literal string or a capability mode given the keyvalue and some other infos like terminal mode, cursor keys etc. * marshal.c marshal.h Functions to marshal stuff around * matcher.c matcher.h Structures and functions to try to match sequences, given terminal emulation and terminal capabilities. * mev.c Small program to test mouse event tracking. Could be useful as a starting point to fix http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=108230 * nativeecho.c Small program to echo characters given their ASCII index * pty.c pty.h Functions to handle the pty. Uses LIBEXECDIR/gnome-pty-helper if found, otherwise tries with other means. * reaper.c reaper.h Creates the global VteReaper object. Only two functions provided vte_reaper_get() and vte_reaper_add_child. * reflect.c Two executables get created: reflect-text-view and reflect-vte. * ring.c ring.h Ring data structure * slowcat.c Simple _very_ slow cat program * ssfe.c Split Screen front end. Enables you to play with -raw and -cooked terminal modes. Added from RH Bugzilla #75900 * table.c table.h Table to create matching trees * trie.c trie.h Implementation of a trie data structure (http://www.nist.gov/dads/HTML/trie.html) Evolution-data-server has one too.. * utf8echo.c Simple echo in UTF-8 * utf8mode.c Puts terminal in UTF8-mode (See iso8859mode.c) * vteaccess.c vteaccess.h Accessibility related functions * vteapp.c Very simple terminal using vte as widget. * vtebg.c vtebg.h Stuff to handle vte's background * vte.c vte.h The main and the biggest file, contains the actual vte widget and most of the action takes place here * vteconv.c vteconv.h Utility functions to do conversion between two encodings * vtedraw.c vtedraw.h Functions to draw the text and to handle draw requests Depending on how vte was compiled _vte_draw_impls[] holds an array of the following possible draw backends: xft, ft2, gl, pango, pango_x Every backend can gets activated through the use of environment variables and a check() functions that verifies that the backend is able to draw on a particular widget. [Basically all backends return TRUE, excluding the GL one which checks for Direct Rendering, GLX and whatnot] In particular the defined environment variables are: VTE_USE_FT2, VTE_USE_GL, VTE_USE_PANGO, VTE_USE_PANGOX, VTE_USE_XFT To see which backend gets chosen you can set "VTE_DEBUG_FLAGS=MISC" [draw->impl->name holds the name of the backend] The order of choice is XFT, FT2, GL, PANGO, PANGOX XFT, GL and PANGOX are enabled only if X_DISPLAY_MISSING is not set. * vtefc.c vtefc.h Handles font configuration and also hooks up the signals and relative callbacks in case font settings change. * vteft2.c vteft2.h This is the freetype2 vte_draw backend * vtegl.c vtegl.h This is the opengl vte_draw backend * vteglyph.c vteglyph.h Utility functions to cache and draw the actual glyphs. * vteint.h Only contains the prototype of _vte_terminal_accessible_ref which is implemented in vte.c and also used in vteaccess.c * vtepango.c vtepango.h This is the pango vte_draw backend * vtepangox.c vtepangox.h This is the pangox vte_draw backend * vterdb.c vterdb.h Queries X properties to be able to know: DPI, Antialias, Hinting, RGBA and Hintstyle * vteregex.c vteregex.h Regular expression functions. Hides the fact that vte can be compiles using GNU Regex, PCRE and Posix regex. The default one is still the posix regex * vtergb.c vtergb.h Some RGB buffer functions * vteskel.c vteskel.h Skeleton files for a new vtedraw backend * vtetc.c vtetc.h Termcap handling functions * vtetree.c vtetree.h Optimized Gtree since most chars will be in the [0-128] range, there is an array of that size each containing a tree. * vtexft.c vtexft.h This is the xft vte_draw backend * xticker.c Outputs the contents of a whole file passed as argument on your terminal's titlebar